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Descargar Gratis The Natural Light Portrait Book: The step-by-step techniques you need to capture amazing photographs like the pros (English Edition) de Scott Kelby PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

Gratis The Natural Light Portrait Book: The step-by-step techniques you need to capture amazing photographs like the pros (English Edition) de Scott Kelby PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descargar Gratis The Natural Light Portrait Book: The step-by-step techniques you need to capture amazing photographs like the pros (English Edition) Spanish Edition

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The Natural Light Portrait Book: The step-by-step techniques you need to capture amazing photographs like the pros (English Edition) de Scott Kelby

Descripción - What would your life be like if you could shoot absolutely amazing portraits? If you could be in any natural lighting situation, indoors or out, and know that you’d be able to create an amazing image every time? If you’ve ever dreamed of making such incredible portraits that your friends and family say, “Wait a minute, this is your photo!? You took this?” then you’re in luck.Award-winning photography book author Scott Kelby teaches you exactly how to shoot and edit gorgeous natural light portraits. Scott shares all his secrets and time-tested techniques, as he discusses everything from his essential go-to portrait gear to camera settings to the portrait photography techniques you need to create absolutely stunning images. From window light to taming harsh outdoor light, from the tools and accessories you need to capture beautiful portraits in any lighting condition, Scott has got you covered.Among many other topics, you’ll learn:• The secrets to getting super-sharp portraits every time without breaking a sweat.• Exactly which camera settings work best for natural light portraits (and which ones you should avoid).• How to create separation with a silky smooth, out-of-focus background no matter which lens you have.• How to tame even the harshest light and turn it to your advantage to create soft, beautiful, wrapping light.• Which lenses will get you the best results and why. • What gear you need, which accessories work best, and a ton of killer tips that will help you create better images and make the entire experience that much more fun.It’s all here, including an entire chapter on post-processing and retouching, and another with detailed portrait recipes, and best of all, it’s just one topic per page, so you’ll get straight to the info you need fast. There’s never been a natural light portrait photography book like it!TABLE OF CONTENTSChapter 1: Portrait LensesChapter 2: Camera SettingsChapter 3: Window Light PortraitsChapter 4: Shooting OutsideChapter 5: Shooting in Direct LightChapter 6: CompositionChapter 7: PosingChapter 8: Post-ProcessingChapter 9: Portrait Recipes

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Natural Light Portrait Book: The step-by-step techniques you need to capture amazing photographs like the pros (English Edition)
  • Autor: Scott Kelby
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografĂ­a,FotografĂ­a
  • TamaĂąo del archivo: 7 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 253 times
  • Idioma: EspaĂąol
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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