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Gratis The Civil Contract of Photography (Zone Books) de Ariella Azoulay PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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The Civil Contract of Photography (Zone Books) de Ariella Azoulay

Descripción - Críticas ...nothing less than a wholesale restatement of the contemporary political stakes of the image... -Art Review The Civil Contract of Photography does not simply delineate how meaning is contained in or created through photograph; it demonstrates precisely how meaning avoids being cheated. If there is one lesson to take from Azoulay's writing, it is that photography is a profoundly political act-an act that is also, in the strictest sense, public. -Aperture The Civil Contract of Photography will likely be one of the most influential books to shape the contemporary inquiry of photography and public culture. -Argumentation and Advocacy ... Azoulay's central themes-state violence, violations of human rights, and the nature and potential of photographic witness-are as relevant to our own political circumstances as they are to hers. -Art in America ... this is a significant, deeply moral book that should undercut complacent thinking. Azoulay's renewal of cultural attention to the state and her view of photography that requires us to dispute prevailing interpretations of evidence must surely be welcomed as we are, once again, thrown headlong back to reality. -Steve Edwards, Times Higher Education Reseña del editor An argument that anyone can pursue political agency and resistance through photography, even those with flawed or nonexistent citizenship. In this compelling work, Ariella Azoulay reconsiders the political and ethical status of photography. Describing the power relations that sustain and make possible photographic meanings, Azoulay argues that anyone-even a stateless person-who addresses others through photographs or is addressed by photographs can become a member of the citizenry of photography. The civil contract of photography enables anyone to pursue political agency and resistance through photography. Photography, Azoulay insists, cannot be understood separately from the many catastrophes of recent history. The crucial arguments of her book concern two groups with flawed or nonexistent citizenship: the Palestinian noncitizens of Israel and women in Western societies. Azoulay analyzes Israeli press photographs of violent episodes in the Occupied Territories, and interprets various photographs of women-from famous images by stop-motion photographer Eadweard Muybridge to photographs from Abu Ghraib prison. Azoulay asks this question: under what legal, political, or cultural conditions does it become possible to see and to show disaster that befalls those who can claim only incomplete or nonexistent citizenship? Drawing on such key texts in the history of modern citizenship as the Declaration of the Rights of Man together with relevant work by Giorgio Agamben, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Susan Sontag, and Roland Barthes, Azoulay explores the visual field of catastrophe, injustice, and suffering in our time. Her book is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the disasters of recent history-and the consequences of how these events and their victims have been represented. Biografía del autor Ariella is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Modern Culture and Media at Brown University and the author of Death's Showcase: the Power of Image in Contemporary Democracy (MIT Press).

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Civil Contract of Photography (Zone Books)
  • Autor: Ariella Azoulay
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 253 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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Zone Books ~ The Civil Contract of Photography is an essential work for anyone seeking to understand the disasters of recent history and the consequences of how they and their victims are represented. “For many years, I said I didn’t know what to do when I encountered an image of another person in pain…

The Civil Contract of Photography / The MIT Press ~ The Civil Contract of Photography will likely be one of the most influential books to shape the contemporary inquiry of photography and public culture. Argumentation and Advocacy Azoulay's central themes—state violence, violations of human rights, and the nature and potential of photographic witness—are as relevant to our own political circumstances as they are to hers.

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The civil contract of photography - Ariella's Cargo ~ The civil contract of photography enables him or her to share with others the claim made or addressed by the photograph. But the crucial arguments of the book concern two groups whose vulnerability and flawed citizenship have been rendered invisible due to their state of exception: the Palestinian noncitizens of Israel and women in Western societies.

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