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[Download] The Digital Photography Book: Part 1 [Idioma Inglés] de Scott Kelby Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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The Digital Photography Book: Part 1 [Idioma Inglés] de Scott Kelby

Descripción - Reseña del editor This is it-the #1 best-selling digital photography book ever! It's the award winning, worldwide smash hit, written by Scott Kelby, that's been translated into dozens of different languages, because it's the one book that really shows you how to take professional-quality shots using the same tricks today's top digital pros use (and surprisingly, it's easier than you'd think). This updated, second edition of the bestselling digital photography book of all time includes many new images; up-to-date information on gear, pricing, and links; and a new chapter from the author on the 'Ten Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me When I Was First Starting Out in Photography.' Here's how Scott describes this book's brilliant premise: 'If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, 'Hey, how do I get this flower to be in focus, with the background out of focus?,' I wouldn't stand there and give you a photography lecture. In real life, I'd just say, 'Put on your zoom lens, set your f-stop to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and fire away.' That's what this book is all about: you and I out shooting where I answer questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I've learned just like I would with a friend-without all the technical explanations and techie photo speak.' This isn't a book of theory-full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts. This is a book on which button to push, which setting to use, and when to use it. With over 200 of the most closely guarded photographic 'tricks of the trade,' this book gets you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos every time. Each page covers a single concept that makes your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you'll learn another pro setting, tool, or trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. If you're tired of taking shots that look 'okay,' and if you're tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, 'Why don't my shots look like that?' then this is the book for you.. NOTA: El libro no está en español, sino en inglés. Biografía del autor For the past three years, Scott Kelby has been honored with the distinction of being the world's #1 best-selling author of books on photography. He's Editor and Publisher of Light It! digital magazine (the how-to magazine for studio lighting and hot-shoe flash), Photoshop User magazine, and is President of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP). He's the co-host of the highly acclaimed weekly videocast The Grid (a photography talk show), and teaches photography, Lightroom, and Photoshop workshops around the world. Scott is an award-winning author of more than 50 books, including The Adobe Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Book for Digital Photographers, and Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It: Learn Step by Step How to Go from Empty Studio to Finished Image.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Digital Photography Book: Part 1 [Idioma Inglés]
  • Autor: Scott Kelby
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 11 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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