[Download] How to Create Stunning Digital Photography (English Edition) de Tony Northrup libros ebooks
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How to Create Stunning Digital Photography (English Edition) de Tony Northrup
Descripción - Amazon's #1 rated and best-selling digital photography book, and the first ever Gold Honoree of the Benjamin Franklin Digital Award, gives you five innovations no other book offers:1. FREE VIDEO TRAINING. 100 videos totaling 14+ HOURS of video training integrated into the book’s content (requires Internet access). Travel around the world with Tony and Chelsea as they teach you hands-on. Appendix A lists the videos so you can use the book like an inexpensive video course.2. TEACHER AND PEER SUPPORT. After buying the book, you get access to the private Stunning Digital Photography Readers group on Facebook where you can ask the questions and post pictures for feedback from Tony, Chelsea, and other readers. It’s like being able to raise your hand in class and ask a question! Instructions are in the introduction.3. FREE LIFETIME UPDATES. This book is regularly updated with new content (including additional videos) that existing owners receive for free. Updates are added based on reader feedback and questions, as well as changing photography trends and new camera equipment. This is the last photography book you'll ever need.4. HANDS-ON PRACTICES. Complete the practices at the end of every chapter to get the real world experience you need.5. 100+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS. Ungraded tests teach you to apply what you've learned.6. 500+ ORIGINAL PICTURES. Detailed example pictures taken by the author and his wife in 15 countries demonstrate both good and bad technique. NO STOCK PHOTOS. Many pictures include links to the full-size image so you can zoom in to see every pixel. In this book, Tony Northrup (award-winning author of more than 30 how-to books and a professional portrait, wildlife, and landscape photographer) teaches the art and science of creating stunning pictures. First, beginner photographers will master:* Composition* Exposure* Shutter speed* Aperture* Depth-of-field (blurring the background)* ISO* Natural light* Flash* Troubleshooting blurry, dark, and bad pictures* Pet photography* Wildlife photography (mammals, birds, insects, fish, and more)* Sunrises and sunsets* Landscapes* Cityscapes* Flowers* Forests, waterfalls, and rivers* Night photography* Fireworks* Raw files* HDR* Macro/close-up photographyAdvanced photographers can skip forward to learn the pro’s secrets for:* Posing men and women. including corrective posing (checklists provided)* Portraits (candid, casual, formal, and underwater)* Group photos* Remotely triggering flashes* Using bounce flash and flash modifiers* Using studio lighting on any budget* Building a temporary or permanent studio at home* Shooting your first wedding* High speed photography* Location scouting/finding the best spots and times* Planning shoots around the sun and moon* Star trails (via long exposure and image stacking)* Light painting* Eliminating noise* Focus stacking for infinite depth-of-field* Underwater photography* Getting close to wildlife* Using electronic shutter triggers
Detalles del Libro
- Name: How to Create Stunning Digital Photography (English Edition)
- Autor: Tony Northrup
- Categoria: Tienda Kindle,eBooks Kindle,eBooks en idiomas extranjeros
- Tamaño del archivo: 16 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
[Download] How to Create Stunning Digital Photography (English Edition) de Tony Northrup Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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