Descargar Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (An Elephant Book) de Robert Shore PDF ePub
Descargar Gratis Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (An Elephant Book) de Robert Shore PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descarga gratuita Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (An Elephant Book) descarga de libros
Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (An Elephant Book) de Robert Shore
Descripción - Críticas 'This collection of works by 53 artists is broad in its reach, including digital, optical and physical manipulations of subject, technique and sometimes even the finished artifacts themselves' Dressing The Air Featured in Get Addicted To, Photography Blog, Wallpaper, The Guardian and RPS Journal. 'Along with more than 300 images, strategies and techniques are elaborated on, which means all the inspiration found here can be applied practically in your own work' Bookseller 'I've read and reviewed my fair share of books about photography and I think this is the first time I encounter a publication that focuses specifically on this phenomenon and articulates it so clearly and eloquently' We Make Money Not Art 'A thought-provoking collection showcasing the increasing diversity of photography now considered as art' Photography Monthly Reseña del editor The real world is full of cameras; the virtual world is full of images. Where does all this photographic activity leave the artist-photographer? Post-Photography tries to answer that question by investigating the exciting new language of photographic image-making that is emerging in the digital age of anything-is-possible and everything-has-been-done-before. Found imagery has become increasingly important in post-photographic practice, with the internet serving as a laboratory for a major kind of image-making experimentation. But artists also continue to create entirely original works using avant-garde techniques drawn from both the digital and analogue eras. This book is split into five sections - Something Borrowed, Something New; Layers of Reality; All the World Is Staged; Hand and Eye; and Post-Photojournalism - which cover the key strategies adopted by 53 of the most exciting and innovative international artist-photographers of the 21st century. Contraportada The real world is full of cameras; the virtual world is full of images. Where does all this photographic activity leave the artist-photographer? This title tries to answer that question by investigating the fresh language of photographic image-making that is emerging in the digital age of anything-ispossible and everything-has-been-done-before. Biografía del autor Robert Shore is the editor of the visual-arts quarterly Elephant and was previously deputy editor at Art Review magazine. As an arts journalist he has contributed to the Sunday Times, the Guardian and Metro. He is also the author of 10 Principles of Advertising and Bang in the Middle.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (An Elephant Book)
- Autor: Robert Shore
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Fotografía
- Tamaño del archivo: 18 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Descargada: 125 times
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
[Download] Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (An Elephant Book) de Robert Shore Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (Elephant Book ~ Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (Elephant Book) [Shore, Robert] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (Elephant Book)
Post-photography: the artist with a camera / London South ~ Post-photography: the artist with a camera. Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. Type Book Author(s) Robert Shore Date 2014 Publisher Laurence King Publishing Pub place London Volume Elephant books ISBN-10 1780672284 ISBN-13 9781780672281. 9781780672281,9781780672281. Preview. This item appears on. List: Documentary Photography Section: Core .
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De Middel, Cristina - Galería Juana de Aizpuru ~ LIBROS. Party. Quitonasto form Chanmair Mao Tungest . PUBLICACIONES. 2014 Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera by Robert Shore. Elephant Books The Photobook: A History Volume III by Martin Parr and Gerry Badger, Phaidon, . SPBH Book Club Vol III,” SMBH mag (July 17, 2013) - Cristina De Middel,” Le Bal (April 27, .
2014 PRESS — CHRISTY LEE ROGERS ~ Libro Anuario Artelibre "Arte y Libertad IX” Hardcover Book - November, 2014. Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (An Elephant Book) - 2014. W (USA) - August 2014. BMI: MAG Blue Marlin Ibiza Magaine (Spain) - July 2014. PHOTO+ Contemporary Photography Magazine (Korea) - July 2014.
Dafna Talmor / LensCulture ~ Dafna Talmor is an artist and lecturer based in London whose practice encompasses photography, video, curation and collaborations. Her photographs - included in private and public collections such as Deutsche Bank and Hiscox - have been featured in publications that include Camera Austria, ArtReview, Hotshoe, Elephant, IMA, GUP, BJP, Photomonitor, BLOW, Post-Photography: The Artist with a .
About - Dafna Talmor ~ Talmor's work is included in Post-Photography:The Artist with a Camera by Robert Shore (Laurence King Publishing 2014) and Alternative Photographic Processes:Crafting Handmade Images by Brady Wilks (Focal Press 2015) and has been featured in publications such as 1000 Words, Elephant Magazine, Camera Austria, ArtReview, IMA, BJP, Hotshoe, GUP, Photomonitor, Artra and BLOW.
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Postfotografía - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre ~ En 2014 publicó su libro Post-Photography: The Artist with a Camera (en español: Postfotografía: El Artista con una Cámara), donde explora el emergente lenguaje fotográfico en una era de digitalización y de constante edición de la imagen, tomando como ejemplos el trabajo de diversos fotógrafos en la era de la postfotografía.
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